Löysin Facebookista mielenkiintoisen sovelluksen. Status Shufflen, jossa voi käsittääkseni etsiä jonkun kirjoittamia statuksia laittamalla hakutagiksi esimerkiksi "relationship", "ironic", "questions" tai vaikka "women". Ja sieltä on löytynyt paljon hyviä merkintöjä. Hauskoja ja ajattelemaan pistäviäkin. Taidan kerätä tähän muutaman:

"Isn't it ironic. We ignore the ones that adore us and adore the ones that ignore us. We love the ones that hurt us and hurt the ones that love us."

"The first time we ever met, I kinda knew you'd be hard to forget."

"I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't."

"Who'd have thought 40 years ago that the future would bring millions of people sitting in front of screens waiting for a life to happen?"

"When the one you love hurts you, they are the only ones that can heal you. Ironic, isn't it?"

"Did you know that if I had a rooster and you had a donkey and if your donkey ate my rooster's feet that technically you would have two feet of my c*ck in your a*s!"

"*** thinks fast food commercials are just porn fo people on diets."

"If you look down for the rest of your life, you're going to miss that one special thing. Or walk into something hard."

"*** wonders why if you type 'Smirnoff' on an SMS with predictive text, it tells you how you feel the morning after few shots of it!"

Ja viimeisenä, muttei suinkaan vähäisimpänä, erittäin hyvin minulle sopiva lausahdus:

"Oops, I just had a dumb blond moment. Which is quite confusing considering I am a redhead..."

Näissä onkin paljon miettimistä.